OLE DB access error.
Error Number = 170153

Fatal error caused by <SAOLEDB.11> OLE DB provider.

WL call: Process of 'Method ListDatabases' (cDSN.ListDatabases), line 49, thread 0 'HReadFirst' function, syntax 3 What happened? OLE DB access error. Error Number = 170153 Fatal error caused by <SAOLEDB.11> OLE DB provider. Error code: 73001 Level: fatal error WD55 error code: 3001 Dump of the error of 'wd230hf.dll' module ( Identifier of detailed information (.err): 72801 Debugging information: IEWDOLDB=111.13 Module=<WDOLDB> Version=<> Error reading record. Direction = <FIRST> Provider: SAOLEDB.11 User: dba Unicode supported: 1 Page code of WL: 1252 Page code of the connection: UTF-16 MDAC Version = <6.3.9600.16384>. [Data format] Query Parameter Checked = <0> = <> Query Parameter Needing conversion = <0> = <> DecimalSeparator = <Undefined> DateFormat = <Undefined> [Cursor settings Match] LockType = <adLockOptimistic>, Location = <adUseServer>, Type = <adOpenKeyset>, Capacities = <10def00> LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type = <adOpenUnspecified>, Capacities = <ffffffff> LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type = <adOpenUnspecified>, Capacities = <ffffffff> [Recordset 1] Settings = <LockType = <adLockOptimistic>, Location = <adUseServer>, Type = <adOpenKeyset>, Capacities = <10def00>> CapacitiesSupported = <adAddNew;adApproxPosition;adBookmark;adDelete;adFind;adHoldRecords;adMovePrevious;adNotify;adUpdate;adUpdateBatch;> CapacitiesNotsupported = <adIndex;adResync;adSeek;> HFFunctionsSupported = <HAjoute;HSupprime;HModifie;HPositionCourante;HAvance;HRecule;HLitPremier;HLitSuivant;HLitPrecedent;HRecherche;> HFFunctionsNotsupported = <> Fonction (7,10) Additional Information: EIT_NATIVECODE : <170153> EIT_LOGICALTABLENAME : <dsDBnames> EIT_PILEWL : Method ListDatabases (cDSN.ListDatabases), line 49 Method IsRunning (cDSN.IsRunning), line 17 Method TestConnection (cDSN.TestConnection), line 37 Method TestConnection (cDSNPW.TestConnection), line 3 Method Connect (cDSNPW.Connect), line 17 Constructor of clProjectPWHQ class (clProjectPWHQ.Constructor), line 37 Initializing PBWebPay (server) (), line 59 EIT_DATEHEURE : 25/04/2024 12:29:07 EIT_TYPE_WDFILE : <4> EIT_IDCODE : <458752>